About Shibas
Shibas are a very active breed that easily settles into the routine of daily life. They are well known for their ability to form lasting strong bonds with their families; loyalty is one of their best attributes. They are very family oriented and want to be involved in the daily activities.
Even though Shibas are a double coated breed, they are more suited to indoor living. Due to this double coat, they do shed twice yearly, once in the spring and once in the fall. Professional grooming and “Furminating” is highly recommended. They are an extremely clean breed; while on walks, my kids (Shibas) often walk around water puddles trying to avoid getting wet dirty feet. Since Shibas are so clean, they are very easy to potty train. Kennel training is most effective with Shibas; they really hate a soiled cage.
Shibas do well with experienced dog owners. New owners can do well too but Shibas are known for their dominate stubborn personalities. Any prospective pet owner is encouraged to enroll in Puppy Kindergarten, Basic Obedience and Advanced Obedience. If left to their own devices, Shibas can rule the household. They can be stubborn, dog aggressive and sometimes even people aggressive. When proper breeding, socialization and training are in place, Shibas are the most loving, gentle, loyal, tender hearts you can ask for.
Being a hunting breed from Japan, shibas are explorers by nature. They were originally bred to hunt birds, rabbits and even wild boar. Because of this, they are nearly always untrustworthy off leash. A secure fenced yard is ideal for a Shiba. If a yard is not available then leash walking for potty breaks or yard tie is an adequate substitute.
I think one of their attributes that attracts people to the breed is how little noise they make. Shibas can bark they just choose not to. If raised with other barking dogs, Shibas will follow suit and join the gang.
Shibas enjoy any and all activity you throw at them then at the end of the day, will curl up for a nice nap (they enjoy their down time as well). They are a very unobtrusive breed and once again, blend nicely into daily living.
Please feel free to contact me for any further information!
Even though Shibas are a double coated breed, they are more suited to indoor living. Due to this double coat, they do shed twice yearly, once in the spring and once in the fall. Professional grooming and “Furminating” is highly recommended. They are an extremely clean breed; while on walks, my kids (Shibas) often walk around water puddles trying to avoid getting wet dirty feet. Since Shibas are so clean, they are very easy to potty train. Kennel training is most effective with Shibas; they really hate a soiled cage.
Shibas do well with experienced dog owners. New owners can do well too but Shibas are known for their dominate stubborn personalities. Any prospective pet owner is encouraged to enroll in Puppy Kindergarten, Basic Obedience and Advanced Obedience. If left to their own devices, Shibas can rule the household. They can be stubborn, dog aggressive and sometimes even people aggressive. When proper breeding, socialization and training are in place, Shibas are the most loving, gentle, loyal, tender hearts you can ask for.
Being a hunting breed from Japan, shibas are explorers by nature. They were originally bred to hunt birds, rabbits and even wild boar. Because of this, they are nearly always untrustworthy off leash. A secure fenced yard is ideal for a Shiba. If a yard is not available then leash walking for potty breaks or yard tie is an adequate substitute.
I think one of their attributes that attracts people to the breed is how little noise they make. Shibas can bark they just choose not to. If raised with other barking dogs, Shibas will follow suit and join the gang.
Shibas enjoy any and all activity you throw at them then at the end of the day, will curl up for a nice nap (they enjoy their down time as well). They are a very unobtrusive breed and once again, blend nicely into daily living.
Please feel free to contact me for any further information!